Helping struggling kids from wealthy families

We often hear these questions: 

  • Why with all our money, support, and effort does our child struggle?

  • Why are there so many troubled affluent youths? 

  • How might being from a wealthy family affect a child? 

  • How do we get our child to stop getting in trouble? 

A study published in the Journal of Child and Family Studies found that the children of the very rich often struggle with identity formation. The study found that the children had a difficult time developing a sense of self and often felt disconnected from their parents and their communities.

What is the wealthy parents syndrome?

In the children of high-net worth parents: “failure to launch.” While failure to launch is not an official mental health diagnosis, it refers to young adults who remain dependent on their parents rather than establishing separate and independent lives as self-sufficient adults.

One of the biggest challenges faced by the children of the very rich is pressure to succeed. They have witnessed their parents achieving success and often most believe they need to have the same outcomes for themselves. Their parents would often be happy if they simply found a path they enjoyed and stuck with it. They would be even more happy if these young adults moved beyond behaviors and self defeating patterns. It's often difficult for successful families to understand how one of their children can fail. Often with so much money behind them the parents are highly saddened that they can't solve what should be a seemingly simple problem. 

Interestingly, successful people often pursue inner happiness and peace after they have achieved financial wealth. Conversely, we teach their kids how to find inner peace, happiness and contentment along with discovering their best career and use to the world. Often, these young adults end up becoming very healthy, enjoyable, useful, dependable members of the family and society. It's often a joy for parents to witness this and this kind of success doesn't have a price tag. Many parents have been doing their best but they invest in many fragmented or separate sources of treatment. 

Some have their successes but the treatments are never brought together as a whole, helping these young adults integrate into a full, happy, healthy person. Howleaders coaching and treatment often brings together all the pieces, through just Howleader, and creates a map for a timelines of individual growth process, and full integration. We also host a couple optional group workshops for young adults in our individualized training, so that they may get support from like minded people pursuing their best self.  

Do we have experience?

Our Founder and Advisors have often experienced the wealthy enjoyable, successful parts of life, however have 1st hand experience in problem solving for themselves and family members. These areas include depression, substance abuse, anxiety, lack of motivation, past trauma. Many successful people also haven't solved their past traumas. Therapy can be helpful in many ways but often people haven't gotten an airplane route to resolving trauma, rather have been on a Camel, going slowly, and without resolve. 

People also don't understand that many successful people between 50 and 90 experienced a much different type of upbringing and environment than those generations of today. There is healing for everyone, but it has to be guided and done by someone who has had success in all the required areas. You can't teach people in an area you don't have experience in. 

We also get access for people to leaders in many possible success and career areas. The interview training also gets well educated people past just relying on their education and makes them speaking dynamos and confident individuals in all settings. When their inner problems become solved they also become much better at learning our science for being their best, free, inner selves. 

Young people's inner struggle often clouds their field of vision and ability to align with the inner drive and hunger that will help them create success. Their parents may have achieved success in their own fields, and again, they may expect their children to follow in their footsteps. This can create immense pressure to excel in school, sports, or any other activity they pursue.

The offspring of the affluent today are unfortunately often more distressed than other youth. They need special help. Helping them find meaning and their "path" or lane is a process that only few experts can guide them through. 

Contact our founder confidentially for a private consultation. Evan Pellett 


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